domingo, 27 de julio de 2014


Obama must be held accountable for Gaza atrocities
"Obama debe responder por el genocidio palestino"

(exembajador de Sudáfrica en Cuba)

The world must hold the President of the USA Barrack Obama accountable for the barbaric acts of genocide against the people of Palestine.

The world nation states have a moral obligation to hold the President of the USA Barrack Obama accountable to the barbaric acts of genocide against the people of Palestine. We have to challenge the hypocritical and treacherous leadership role of the US led imperialism in the arena of the international politics.

    "Los Estados nación del mundo tienen la obligación moral de cuestionar al Presidente de los EE.UU., Barack Obama, como responsable ante los actos de barbarie de genocidio contra el pueblo de Palestina. Tenemos que cuestionar el papel de liderazgo hipócrita y traidor de los EE.UU. que condujo al imperialismo en el ámbito de la política internacional".

The people of the world can no more be spectators when a handful leaders of the superpowers are violating fundamental laws which are a guarantee to international peace and stability. The truth is that President Barrack Obama has the skeletons of the innocent lifes of the Palestinians massacred by the vicious racist state of Israel in his cupboard.

    "Los pueblos del mundo no deberían continuar siendo simples espectadores cuando un puñado de líderes de las superpotencias están violando las leyes fundamentales que garantizan la paz y la estabilidad internacionales. La verdad es que el presidente Barack Obama tiene en su armario los cadáveres de los inocentes palestinos masacrados por el Estado racista y despiadado de Israel"

The President of the USA has all the powers vested in him to stop the carnage of reign of terror and manslaughter of innocent people in the occupied territories of the GAZA strip. The fascist government of Israel is the colonial outpost of the US led imperialism in the middle east.

    "Los poderes que le han sido otorgados al presidente de EE.UU. le permiten detener la carnicería del régimen de terror [israelí] y el homicidio de personas inocentes en los territorios ocupados de la Franja de Gaza. El Gobierno fascista de Israel es el puesto avanzado colonial de EE.UU., que llevó el imperialismo en Oriente Medio"

When he was elected the first black President ever in the history of the American politics, the millions of our suffering people became overwhelmingly hopeful that the world would no more be the same again. Little did we appreciate that his was just an election of another chief operation officer of the US led imperialism.

The people of the world were naive to assume that his election was a turning point and the beginning of a new era for the transformation of the USA into a modern state of the 21th century. A modern state of our times whose its foundations are based on the fundamental values of the respect of human rights.

We thought that the descendant of the african slaves in the American hemisphere, President Barrack Obama, would equal the task of making the world a better place for humanity. We thought his foremost task would advance to bring humanity together in the building of a new world social order.

The US administration under President Obama has become worst than ever before. It is even worse than the times when the world was plunged into the first and the second world wars.

The continuing ground and aerial bombardment of the innocent population in the GAZA strip by the fascist regime of Israel is the declaration of war to the peace loving people of the world. It has indeed a catastrophic consequences on the immediate possibilities for international peace and stability.

    "la ofensiva terrestre y los bombardeos aéreos contra la población inocente en la Franja de Gaza por parte del régimen fascista de Israel, patrocinado por el Gobierno de Obama, son una declaración de guerra para las personas amantes de la paz en el mundo. De hecho, tiene unas consecuencias catastróficas sobre las posibilidades inmediatas de paz y estabilidad internacionales".

Indeed historical events have proven that by its nature and character imperialism is the most hostile and aggressive against human life. It is gruesomely awesome, it kills without mercy and has no regard to the respect of human life.

The Obama administration is sponsoring the fascist government of Israel with massive financial support to sustain the implacable acts of genocide against the people of Palestine. His administration is responsible for the starvation, degradation and humiliation of the millions of innocent people of the independent state of Israel.

    "El gobierno de Obama está patrocinando el gobierno fascista de Israel, con el apoyo financiero masivo para sostener los actos implacables de genocidio contra el pueblo de Palestina. Su administración es responsable de la hambruna, la degradación y la humillación de los millones de personas inocentes del Estado independiente de Israel"

The reason why the world must hold the sitting President of the USA Barrack Obama accountable to the atrocities and crimes against humanity perpetuated against the innocent people of Palestine.

In 1860 the American Republican convention included in their electoral platform, on which Abraham Lincoln ran for President, the following statement

    En 1860 la convención republicana estadounidense incluyó en su programa electoral, en el que Abraham Lincoln se postuló para presidente, la siguiente declaración...

"We brand the recent re-opening of the African slave trade, under the cover of our national flag, aided by the perversions of judicial power, as a crime against humanity".

    "Nos Marca la reciente reapertura del comercio de esclavos africanos, bajo el manto de nuestra bandera nacional, con la ayuda de las perversiones del poder judicial, como un crimen contra la humanidad".

In 1890, George Washington Williams used the phrase "a crime against humanity" describing the treatment of the Africans in the Congo basin under King Leopold II of Belgium.

    En 1890, George Washington Williams usó la frase "un crimen contra la humanidad", que describe el tratamiento de los africanos en la cuenca del Congo por el rey Leopoldo II de Bélgica.

During the first world war, the allied powers issued a joint statement announcing for the first time a commission of the crime against humanity in response to the Armenian genocide. The Ottoman government was warned of the personal responsibility of the acts of crime against humanity during the war.

    Durante la primera guerra mundial, las potencias aliadas emitieron un comunicado conjunto anunciando por primera vez una comisión del delito contra la humanidad en respuesta al genocidio armenio. El gobierno otomano fue advertido de la responsabilidad personal de los actos de crimen contra la humanidad durante la guerra.

In the year 1976, the united nation general assembly declared the systematic persecution of one racial group by the other, such as the one perpetuated by the Apartheid South Africa, a crime against humanity.

    En el año 1976, la asamblea general de las Naciones Unidas declaró que la persecución sistemática de un grupo racial por otro, como el que se perpetúa por la Sudáfrica del apartheid, es un crimen contra la humanidad.

This historic declaration come into being against the background of the USA sponsoring the vicious racist Apartheid regime to unleash a civil war against the innocent people in the Southern tip of our continent.

Millions of people were massacred in Angola, Namibia, Zambia, Mozambique, Lesotho, Botswana as the USA led imperialist forces fought against the liberation movement in the region.

The Rome Statute of the International criminal court defines crimes against humanity as:

    El Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional define los crímenes contra la humanidad como:

Particularly odious offenses in that they constitute a serious attack on human dignity or grave humiliation or a degradation of human beings. They are not isolated or sporadic events, but are part of either of a government policy or a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority.

    Delitos particularmente odiosos en que constituyen un grave atentado a la dignidad humana o la grave humillación o degradación de los seres humanos. No son hechos aislados o esporádicos, sino que forman parte de una política gubernamental o una amplia práctica de atrocidades toleradas o condonadas por un gobierno o una autoridad de facto.

Murder, extermination,torture,rape, political, racial, or religious persecutions and other inhumane acts reach a threshold of crime against humanity only if they are part of a widespread systematic practice".

    Asesinato, el exterminio, la tortura, la violación, las persecuciones políticas, raciales o religiosas y otros actos inhumanos alcanzan un umbral de crimen contra la humanidad sólo si forman parte de una práctica sistemática generalizada.

Even if the USA is not a signatory to the Rome Statute, in solidarity with the people of Palestine, Cuba, SAHARAWI, and many of the victims of the US led imperialism across the world, the world nation states must hold the President of the USA, Barrack Obama accountable for crimes against humanity.

    Aún si los EE.UU. no es signatario del Estatuto de Roma ─en solidaridad con el pueblo de Palestina, Cuba, SAHARAUIS, y muchas de las víctimas que los EE.UU. llevó con el imperialismo en todo el mundo─, los Estados nacionales del mundo deben mantener al Presidente de los EE.UU., Barack Obama, como responsable de crímenes de lesa humanidad.

The horrible acts of genocide by the Israel government is a systematic violations of the fundamental rights of the people of Palestine. The President of the USA is obliged to protect the dignity and the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people.

    Los horribles actos de genocidio por parte del gobierno de Israel son violaciones sistemáticas de los derechos fundamentales de los habitantes de Palestina. El Presidente de los EE.UU. tiene la obligación de proteger la dignidad y los derechos fundamentales de la población palestina.

President Obama still has an opportunity to rewrite a new chapter in the history of the world. He still has a moral responsibility to give the people of Palestine and many others across the world the freedom and dignity they deserve.

    El presidente Obama todavía tiene una oportunidad de volver a escribir un nuevo capítulo en la historia del mundo. Él todavía tiene la responsabilidad moral de dar al pueblo de Palestina y muchos otros en todo el mundo la libertad y la dignidad que se merecen.

Phatse Justice Piitso is the former Ambassador to the republic of Cuba and the former provincial secretary of the SACP writing this article on his personal capacity. (exembajador de Sudáfrica en Cuba)

al centro, Phatse Justice Piitso, exembajador de Sudáfrica en Cuba

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